Berita Terkini : Junta Militer Myanmar Tembak Mati Biksu Terkemuka

A crowd of Buddhist clergy and devotees attend the cremation of the late monk Bhaddanta Munindarbhivamsa in Bago, Myanmar, Thursday, June 27, 2024. The senior monk was shot dead last week by soldiers who the military government said mistaked the vehicle in which he was traveling for a security threat. (AP Photo)

Sebuah kendaraan dengan desain rumit seperti kapal tradisional Karaweik membawa mendiang biksu Bhaddanta Munindarbhivamsa dalam iring-iringan pemakaman untuk dikremasi di Bago, Myanmar, Kamis (27/6/2024).  

A crowd of Buddhist clergy and devotees attend the cremation of the late monk Bhaddanta Munindarbhivamsa in Bago, Myanmar, Thursday, June 27, 2024. The senior monk was shot dead last week by soldiers who the military government said mistaked the vehicle in which he was traveling for a security threat. (AP Photo)

Pemimpin junta militer Myanmar, Min Aung Hlaing, menyampaikan permintaan maaf yang langka setelah pasukan keamanan junta menembak mati seorang biksu dan kepala biara Buddha terkemuka di negara tersebut. Junta Myanmar awalnya menuduh penentang kudeta sebagai dalang kematian sang biksu ternama itu.  

A crowd of Buddhist clergy and devotees attend the cremation of the late monk Bhaddanta Munindarbhivamsa in Bago, Myanmar, Thursday, June 27, 2024. The senior monk was shot dead last week by soldiers who the military government said mistaked the vehicle in which he was traveling for a security threat. (AP Photo)

Sayadaw Bhaddanta Munindabhivamsa yang berusia 78 tahun merupakan seorang guru dan penulis terkemuka tentang agama Buddha.   

A crowd of Buddhist clergy and devotees attend the cremation of the late monk Bhaddanta Munindarbhivamsa in Bago, Myanmar, Thursday, June 27, 2024. The senior monk was shot dead last week by soldiers who the military government said mistaked the vehicle in which he was traveling for a security threat. (AP Photo)

Dia juga seorang kepala biara yang secara terbuka menentang kudeta militer tahun 2021 yang menjerumuskan Myanmar ke dalam kekacauan.  

A crowd of Buddhist clergy and devotees attend the cremation of the late monk Bhaddanta Munindarbhivamsa in Bago, Myanmar, Thursday, June 27, 2024. The senior monk was shot dead last week by soldiers who the military government said mistaked the vehicle in which he was traveling for a security threat. (AP Photo)

Munindabhivamsa ditembak mati pada 19 Juni lalu ketika melakukan perjalanan dengan mobil melintasi wilayah Mandalay.  

A crowd of Buddhist clergy and devotees attend the cremation of the late monk Bhaddanta Munindarbhivamsa in Bago, Myanmar, Thursday, June 27, 2024. The senior monk was shot dead last week by soldiers who the military government said mistaked the vehicle in which he was traveling for a security threat. (AP Photo)

Media yang dikuasai junta Myanmar awalnya menyalahkan kelompok penentang kudeta atas kematian Munindabhivamsa. Namun keesokan harinya, seorang biksu senior yang ada di lokasi kejadian mengatakan bahwa pasukan keamanan junta Myanmar bertanggung jawab atas meninggalnya sang kepala biara.  

A crowd of Buddhist clergy and devotees attend the cremation of the late monk Bhaddanta Munindarbhivamsa in Bago, Myanmar, Thursday, June 27, 2024. The senior monk was shot dead last week by soldiers who the military government said mistaked the vehicle in which he was traveling for a security threat. (AP Photo)

Tuduhan yang dilontarkan biksu senior itu menjadi viral di media sosial, dan pihak junta Myanmar menyatakan akan menyelidiki lebih lanjut kejadian tersebut.  

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