Berita Terkini : Foto Udara Dampak Kerusakan Akibat Banjir Bandang di Swiss

Aerial view of the area affected by the landslide with the houses in the hamlet of Sorte engulfed by stones in Lostallo, Southern Switzerland, after a landslide, caused by the bad weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, Saturday, June 22 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation on Friday evening after a landslide in the Misox valley. Four people went missing on Saturday morning. Several dozen people had to be evacuated from their homes in the Misox and Calanca regions. (Samuel Golay/Keystone via AP)

Pemandangan udara kawasan terdampak longsor dengan rumah-rumah di dusun Sorte tertimbun batu di Lostallo, Swiss Selatan, pasca longsor akibat cuaca buruk dan hujan deras di lembah Misox, yang terjadi pada Sabtu (22/6).

Aerial view of the area affected by the landslide with the houses in the hamlet of Sorte engulfed by stones in Lostallo, Southern Switzerland, after a landslide, caused by the bad weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, Saturday, June 22 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation on Friday evening after a landslide in the Misox valley. Four people went missing on Saturday morning. Several dozen people had to be evacuated from their homes in the Misox and Calanca regions. (Samuel Golay/Keystone via AP)

Masif badai petir dan curah hujan tinggi menyebabkan situasi banjir pada Jumat malam. Setelahnya tanah longsor di lembah Misox.

Aerial view of the area affected by the landslide with the houses in the hamlet of Sorte engulfed by stones in Lostallo, Southern Switzerland, after a landslide, caused by the bad weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, Saturday, June 22 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation on Friday evening after a landslide in the Misox valley. Four people went missing on Saturday morning. Several dozen people had to be evacuated from their homes in the Misox and Calanca regions. (Samuel Golay/Keystone via AP)

Puluhan orang harus dievakuasi dari rumah mereka di wilayah Misox dan Calanca.

Aerial view of the area affected by the landslide with the houses in the hamlet of Sorte engulfed by stones in Lostallo, Southern Switzerland, after a landslide, caused by the bad weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, Saturday, June 22 2024. Massive thunderstorms and rainfall led to a flooding situation on Friday evening after a landslide in the Misox valley. Four people went missing on Saturday morning. Several dozen people had to be evacuated from their homes in the Misox and Calanca regions. (Samuel Golay/Keystone via AP)

Tampak sebuah jalan raya rusak parah akibat diterjang banjir bandang.

Am aerial view showing the site of a landslide, caused by severe weather and heavy rain in the Misox valley, in Sorte village, Lostallo, southern Switzerland on Sunday June 23, 2024. Authorities in Switzerland say rescuers have found the body of one of three people who had gone missing on Saturday after massive thunderstorms and rainfall in the southeast of the county caused a rockslide. (Michael Buholzer/Keystone via AP)

Pihak berwenang telah memperingatkan warga untuk menghindari bagian bawah rumah mereka, termasuk ruang bawah tanah, menjauhi sungai yang meluap, dan tidak parkir di jembatan. Masyarakat juga diimbau untuk tidak merekam atau memotret banjir demi alasan keamanan. AP/Michael Buholzer

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