Kesehatan Terkini : Darurat Kanker Serviks, Remaja Putri Nigeria Divaksinasi HPV

A health worker administers a cervical cancer vaccine HPV Gardasil to a girl on the street in Ibadan, Nigeria, on May 27, 2024. African countries have some of the world's highest rates of cervical cancer. Growing efforts to vaccinate more young girls for the human papillomavirus are challenged by the kind of vaccine hesitancy seen for some other diseases. Misinformation can include mistaken rumors that girls won't be able to have children in the future. Some religious communities must be told that the vaccine is

Seorang petugas kesehatan memberikan vaksin kanker serviks HPV Gardasil kepada seorang gadis di jalan di Ibadan, Nigeria.  

A health worker administers a cervical cancer vaccine HPV Gardasil to a girl on the street in Ibadan, Nigeria, on May 27, 2024. African countries have some of the world's highest rates of cervical cancer. Growing efforts to vaccinate more young girls for the human papillomavirus are challenged by the kind of vaccine hesitancy seen for some other diseases. Misinformation can include mistaken rumors that girls won't be able to have children in the future. Some religious communities must be told that the vaccine is

Negara-negara Afrika memiliki tingkat kanker serviks tertinggi di dunia.  

A health worker administers a cervical cancer vaccine HPV Gardasil to a girl on the street in Ibadan, Nigeria, on May 27, 2024. African countries have some of the world's highest rates of cervical cancer. Growing efforts to vaccinate more young girls for the human papillomavirus are challenged by the kind of vaccine hesitancy seen for some other diseases. Misinformation can include mistaken rumors that girls won't be able to have children in the future. Some religious communities must be told that the vaccine is

Hal itu mendorong pemerintah Nigeria menggencarkan vaksinasi HPV untuk remaja putri.  

A health worker administers a cervical cancer vaccine HPV Gardasil to a girl on the street in Ibadan, Nigeria, on May 27, 2024. African countries have some of the world's highest rates of cervical cancer. Growing efforts to vaccinate more young girls for the human papillomavirus are challenged by the kind of vaccine hesitancy seen for some other diseases. Misinformation can include mistaken rumors that girls won't be able to have children in the future. Some religious communities must be told that the vaccine is

Namun upaya vaksinasi itu terhambat keraguan para orang tua terhadao vaksin HPV yang bisa menimbulkan beberapa penyakit lain.  

A health worker administers a cervical cancer vaccine HPV Gardasil to a girl on the street in Ibadan, Nigeria, on May 27, 2024. African countries have some of the world's highest rates of cervical cancer. Growing efforts to vaccinate more young girls for the human papillomavirus are challenged by the kind of vaccine hesitancy seen for some other diseases. Misinformation can include mistaken rumors that girls won't be able to have children in the future. Some religious communities must be told that the vaccine is

Misinformasi ini mencakup rumor keliru bahwa anak perempuan tidak akan bisa memiliki anak di masa depan.  

A health worker administers a cervical cancer vaccine HPV Gardasil to a girl on the street in Ibadan, Nigeria, on May 27, 2024. African countries have some of the world's highest rates of cervical cancer. Growing efforts to vaccinate more young girls for the human papillomavirus are challenged by the kind of vaccine hesitancy seen for some other diseases. Misinformation can include mistaken rumors that girls won't be able to have children in the future. Some religious communities must be told that the vaccine is

Para petugas kesehatan terus berupaya mengedukasi warga pentingnya vaksin HPV untuk mencegah kanker serviks pada perempuan.  

A health worker administers a cervical cancer vaccine HPV Gardasil to a girl on the street in Ibadan, Nigeria, on May 27, 2024. African countries have some of the world's highest rates of cervical cancer. Growing efforts to vaccinate more young girls for the human papillomavirus are challenged by the kind of vaccine hesitancy seen for some other diseases. Misinformation can include mistaken rumors that girls won't be able to have children in the future. Some religious communities must be told that the vaccine is

28 negara dari 54 negara di Afrika telah memperkenalkan vaksin ini dalam program imunisasi mereka, namun hanya lima yang telah mencapai cakupan 90% yang diharapkan dapat dicapai oleh benua ini pada tahun 2030.  

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